About MercedCERA


The Merced County Employees’ Retirement Association (MercedCERA) is a public employee retirement system established in 1950. MercedCERA operates under the authority by the California State Government Code, Section 31450 et. seq., the County Employees’ Retirement Law of 1937 (CERL) and Section 7522 et.seq. (PEPRA). MercedCERA is administered by the Board of Retirement to provide retirement, disability, death, and survivor benefits for its members.

MercedCERA is an employer-sponsored defined benefit retirement plan qualified under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a) that provides a lifetime benefit to members that is calculated based on a formula using age at retirement, years of service credit and monthly final average compensation. 

Participating employer-sponsors include Merced County, Merced Superior Court, and Merced Cemetery District.